ביטקאָין 2022 מיאַמי: רענעסאַנס קונסט גאַלערי שטעלט זעלטנקייַט אויף ווייַז

Bitcoin is digital only, lacking a tangible asset to hold in your hand in the real world. Although you know it exists, you can never see it. The cryptocurrency and related themes have also inspired rare creations that only select individuals were able to view. Even fewer were able to put a bid on and potentially own such one-of-a-kind pieces while at the Bitcoin 2022 זיצונג אין מיאַמי ביטש, פלאָרידאַ.

What you are about to see is a first-hand look at the Bitcoin 2022 Miami Renaissance Art Gallery, all without the crowds of the conference and without the pass and flight fare to attend.

The Bitcoin 2022 Miami Renaissance Art Gallery

ביטקאָין 2022 מיאַמי

Walking through the Bitcoin Renaissance pillars turned the Miami Beach Convention Center into “the largest Bitcoin art gallery in history.” Nearly every piece on display was put up for a BTC-only auction, actioned off by Scare City.

Dozens of pieces were on display from just as many artists. What you’ll see below is just a taste of what was available within the partition walls set up by convention center staff. Pictures also don’t do these work of arts justice.

פֿאַרבונדענע רידינג | ביטקאָין 2022: ווי די ינדאַסטרי ס ברייטאַסט מינדס ווערט בטק

Pictures were taken on Bitcoin 2022 Miami Industry Day, before the crowds hit. This produce clearer shots without people in the view, but many of the show’s best art pieces weren’t set up and ready. QR codes for bidding and descriptions of who the artist behind each creation was, was absent at this time.

The Sights And Sound Money Of Miami Beach

Art and BTC culture combined all throughout the Miami streets during the convention. Directly outside the conference graffiti artist Greg Mike painted a mural wall live in the humid, 80-degree Miami heat across from the convention center food trucks. The mural greeted Sound Money Music Festival goers who were there to see Steve Aoki, Logic, and DeadMau5.

פֿאַרבונדענע רידינג | ביטקאָין 2022 מיאַמי: לעצט געדאנקען און קאָנפֿערענץ רעפלעקטיאָנס

External art galleries down the road from the convention, knew the target audience that was coming, and prepared accordingly with unique art pieces of their own. This includes an ultra-rare piece from Brazilian pop-artist, Romero Britto, on sale at his Miami Beach gallery.

Below is a set of still images from some various oddities around the city of Miami.


ביטקאָיניסט ביטקאָין 2022 מיאַמי פאָן

ביטקאָיניסט וועט זיין ביי ביטקאָין 2022 מיאַמי אין מיאַמי ביטש, פל פון 6 אפריל ביז 10 ריפּאָרטינג לעבן פון די ווייַזן שטאָק און פֿאַרבונדענע געשעענישן. טשעק אויס ויסשליסיק קאַווערידזש פון די וועלט 'ס גרעסטער BTC זיצונג דאָ.

נאָכפאָלגן @TonySpilotroBTC אויף טוויטטער אָדער פאַרבינדן די TonyTradesBTC טעלעגראַם פֿאַר ויסשליסיק טעגלעך מאַרק ינסייץ און בילדונג פון טעכניש אַנאַליסיס. ביטע טאָן: אינהאַלט איז בילדונגקרייז און זאָל ניט זיין גערעכנט ווי ינוועסמאַנט עצה.

פעאַטורעד בילד פֿון iStockPhoto, טשאַרץ פֿון TradingView.com


Source: https://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-2022-miami-renaissance-art-gallery/