די דנאָ פון ביטקאָין קען זיין נעענטער לויט אַנאַליסט

Bitcoin’s price could be getting closer to a local bottom according to at least one on-chain indicator. This comes as the cryptocurrency is trading in a tight range of around $30K for quite a while.

  • The bitcoin price is currently sitting at around 57% below its all-time high reached in November last year.
  • According to one technical indicator – namely, the long-term output profit ratio (LTH-SOPR), the bottom may be getting closer.
  • The LTH SOPR is calculated as the USD value of spent outputs at the spent time divided by the USD value of spent outputs at the created time. In other words – the realized value is divided by the value at the time of creation.
  • דאַטן פון קריפּטאָקוואַנט ריווילז that the current 7-day SMA LTH SOPR sits at 0.72, which means that some of the long-term holders could be selling at a loss.
מקור: CryptoQuant


  • The last time the LTH-SOPR dropped to the levels seen recently was back during the COVID קראַך in March 2020. Back then, however, its value dropped to 0.53, meaning that there might still be some pain ahead.
  • לויט צו די קריפּטאָקוואַנט analyst, this “doesn’t mean the bottom is in but it’s worth observing this metric.”
  • Elsewhere, the cryptocurrency fear and greed index בלייבט in the “extreme fear” territory. The metric is used to gauge the current market sentiment and according to it, investors remain particularly fearful at this time.
ספּעציעלע פאָרשלאָג (באצאלטע)

Binance Free $ 100 (ויסשליסיק): ניצן דעם לינק צו פאַרשרייַבן און באַקומען $ 100 פריי און 10% אַוועק פיז אויף Binance Futures ערשטער חודש (טנאָים).

פּרימעקסבט ספּעציעלע פאָרשלאָג: ניצן דעם לינק צו פאַרשרייַבן און אַרייַן POTATO50 קאָד צו באַקומען אַרויף צו $ 7,000 אויף דיין דיפּאַזאַץ.

Source: https://cryptopotato.com/bitcoins-bottom-might-be-getting-closer-according-to-analyst/