פינאַנציעל גורו דייוו ראַמזי ווייז אין FTX ייַנבראָך - ריטערייץ זיין קריפּטאָ ווארענונג - פעאַטורעד ביטקאָין נייַעס

Personal finance guru Dave Ramsey has weighed in on the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. “I told you so,” he repeatedly said, reiterating his long-standing advice that investors should not put money into crypto.

Dave Ramsey on Bitcoin, Crypto, and the FTX Collapse

Personal finance guru and Ramsey Solutions CEO Dave Ramsey weighed in on the implosion of cryptocurrency exchange FTX in a Dave Ramsey Show episode, published Friday.

Ramsey, a self-proclaimed personal money management expert, calls himself “America’s trusted voice on money.” He is the author of seven best-selling books that have sold more than 11 million copies altogether.

A longtime bitcoin and crypto skeptic, Ramsey called בטק “funny money” in December 2020. He also אויסגעדריקט his doubt that bitcoin could be cashed out, advising investors to sell their coins now. In January, he said crypto is fun and here to say but should only be a small part of a portfolio “for entertainment.”

Referencing his warning about crypto, the self-proclaimed personal finance expert said “I told you so” several times during his show that was published Friday. He recalled:

I got so much crap from the Bitcoin bros … They are pretty much like Mary Kay for young men … They can’t listen to anything. Their brains are turned off if you’re not going to do their thing.

Ramsey added that every time he advised, “don’t do crypto,” he got flooded with responses like “I’m an idiot. I’m a boomer. I’m out of touch. I don’t understand.”

He then read out a news article that likens FTX and its former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried to the ענרון שווינדל און Bernie Madoff ס פּאָנזי סכעמע. The cryptocurrency exchange filed for Chapter 11 באַנקראָט שוץ לעצטע וואָך.

Noting that FTX is facing a criminal probe in the Bahamas, Ramsey commented: “If you can get the Bahamians upset enough about you that they go after you — because they’re a pretty laid-back bunch — I’m just saying you get them pissed off you have really stepped in it.” The Bahamas securities regulator has taken action to פרירן FTX’s cryptocurrencies.

Ramsey exclaimed:

It’s straight-up thievery.

Ramsey proceeded to quote some crypto proponents telling him in the past: “Dave, come on, at what point, Boomer, are you going to wake up to this new and shiny wonderful thing, you don’t know what you’re talking about telling people to stay away from this, I’ve already made…” He continued:

Where is your money now? Mr. Fried took it.

“It’s all over the news for the last 48 hours. This may be the biggest fraud and theft in human history,” he stressed.

While expressing his dislike for “over-regulation” when it comes to his money, the personal finance guru admitted: “I do like a wee bit, and right now aren’t you wishing you had a wee bit of regulation with FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried.”

In conclusion, Ramsey said:

I hate that you lost money guys but I did tell you not to do this stuff.

“I just hate the spirit around this stuff and what it does to people because they get sucked into it and then they get their heads taken off,” he opined.

Following the FTX collapse, a growing number of lawmakers have called for טייטער קריפּטאָ רעגולירן. While some analysts have warned about contagion risks to the entire crypto ecosystem, many people are still optimistic about the future of the industry. על סאַלוואַדאָר‘s president said Thursday that his country will start buying בטק every day. Shark Tank star מארק קובאַן explained that the FTX implosion is not a crypto blowup while Tesla CEO עלאָן מאַסק said bitcoin will make it. Kraken CEO דזשעסי פּאַועלל described: “The damage here is huge … We’re going to be working to undo this for years.”

טאַגס אין דעם דערציילונג
דאַוו ראַמסיי, dave ramsey advice, Dave Ramsey advices, dave ramsey bitcoin, dave ramsey crypto, Dave Ramsey crypto warnings, dave ramsey cryptocurrency, Dave Ramsey FTX, Dave Ramsey regulation, Dave Ramsey Sam Bankman-Fried, Dave Ramsey warnings, פינאַנציעל גורו, פערזענלעכע פינאַנצן גורו

What do you think about the comments by Dave Ramsey? Let us know in the comments section below.

קעווין העלמס

א סטודענט פון אַוסטריאַן עקאנאמיק, Kevin געפֿונען ביטקאָין אין 2011 און איז אַן עוואַנגעליסט זינט. זיין אינטערעסן ליגן אין ביטקאָין זיכערהייַט, אָפֿן-מקור סיסטעמען, נעץ יפעקץ און די ינטערסעקשאַן צווישן עקאָנאָמיק און קריפּטאָגראַפי.

בילד קרעדיץ: שוטטערסטאָקק, פּיקסאַבייַ, Wiki Commons

אָפּלייקענונג: דער אַרטיקל איז בלויז פֿאַר ינפאָרמיישאַנאַל צוועקן. עס איז נישט אַ דירעקט פאָרשלאָג אָדער סאַליסיטיישאַן פון אַ פאָרשלאָג צו קויפן אָדער פאַרקויפן, אָדער אַ רעקאָממענדאַטיאָן אָדער ענדאָרסמאַנט פון פּראָדוקטן, באַדינונגען אָדער קאָמפּאַניעס. Bitcoin.com גיט ניט ינוועסמאַנט, שטייער, לעגאַל אָדער אַקאַונטינג עצה. ניט די פירמע אדער דער מחבר זענען פאַראַנטוואָרטלעך, גלייַך אָדער מינאַצאַד, פֿאַר קיין שעדיקן אָדער אָנווער געפֿירט אָדער אַלעדזשאַד צו זיין געפֿירט דורך אָדער אין קשר מיט די נוצן פון אָדער צוטרוי אויף קיין אינהאַלט, סכוירע אָדער באַדינונגען דערמאנט אין דעם אַרטיקל.

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/financial-guru-dave-ramsey-weighs-in-on-ftx-collapse-reiterates-his-crypto-warning/