ערשטער פּראָדוקט פֿון פיניטי ריר ס צוקונפֿט יקאָוסיסטאַם אַפישאַלי לאָנטשט - דרוק מעלדונג ביטקאָין נייַעס

דריקט מעלדונג. Finity Touch will surprise the crypto community with its unique features and an already large but growing ecosystem.

דער קאָלעקטיוו פון Finity Touch is happy to present Finity Skills. Finity Skills is the first product of די Finity Touch Ecosystem, which will be available in October 2022. What makes this news even more extraordinary is that the company started the development of the product just in the summer. The amount and quality of the information invested in the product are exceptional. The team understands the value of knowledge about crypto and the Web 3.0 sphere, especially with the oncoming Bitcoin halving.

Finity Skills offers users more than just learning blockchain and the cryptocurrency market from scratch. After completing their education, some students will receive employment opportunities. The educational process is entirely online for their convenience.

This product is suitable not only for crypto entrepreneurs planning to launch their projects during the next bull market cycle but also for crypto enthusiasts and traders. During the first several months, the reduced course price will be available for everyone; however, by the end of 2022, with the development of a platform, prices will rise.

And more products are coming soon!

Stay tuned for some new unique products:

NFT PeopleX is an interactive NFT collection for future access to the Play-to-Earn game Planex Land with the most realistic economic model. By being an owner of such NFT, users automatically enter a Finity Token private sale whitelist.

Finity Pay is an online cryptocurrency exchange that the Finity Touch team will integrate into every ecosystem product. By concluding the strategic partnerships, it will also become a part of other industry-leading crypto projects. For example, users could use Visa and Mastercard to buy or sell cryptocurrencies, and many bonuses and even airdrops of project tokens!

Finity Token is a crypto token of the project and the primary payment mechanism of the Finity Touch ecosystem that ensures the development of all products. It is deflationary and programmed to grow together with ecosystem development, based on the Binance Smart Chain.

Planex Land is the first play-to-earn blockchain game with a complete business cycle which, according to developers, can change the perception of the GameFi sector. Users can create their avatars and live their life in the metaverse. First come, first served, so stay in touch, and don’t forget to check the news on the official Finity Touch website or social media.

By merging all parts of the ecosystem, developers plan to achieve effortless fiat deposits, seamless exchanges and payments. This way, many developers would attract new customers who have never used cryptocurrencies. As a result, the market is enormous, and the team of Finity Skills have a desire to scale the crypto market by providing simple but, at the same time, cutting-edge products.

By the end of 2022, the world will witness the launch of several new crypto products. That is somewhat encouraging, considering how rarely this happens during the bear market, and this makes the release of Finity Skills, an educational product of such scale, even more valuable. Let’s hope the company releases all other products in the planned time, thus attracting new members to the crypto community.

מקור: TopoftheWorld.ai Blockchain Marketing Lab.

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דאָס איז אַ דרוק מעלדונג. רידערז זאָל מאַכן זייער אייגן פלייסיק דיליגענסע איידער זיי נעמען אַקשאַנז שייַכות צו די פּראָמאָטעד פירמע אָדער קיין פון זייַן אַפיליאַץ אָדער באַדינונגען. Bitcoin.com איז ניט פאַראַנטוואָרטלעך, גלייַך אָדער מינאַצאַד, פֿאַר קיין שעדיקן אָדער אָנווער געפֿירט אָדער אַלעדזשאַד צו זיין געפֿירט דורך אָדער אין קשר מיט די נוצן פון אָדער צוטרוי אויף קיין אינהאַלט, סכוירע אָדער באַדינונגען דערמאנט אין די פּרעס מעלדונג.


Bitcoin.com איז דער פּרעמיער מקור פֿאַר אַלץ קריפּטאָ-פֿאַרבונדענע.
קאָנטאַקט די מעדיע מאַנשאַפֿט אויף [אימעיל באשיצט] צו רעדן וועגן פּרעס ריליסיז, באצאלטע אַרטיקלען, פּאָדקאַסץ און אנדערע אָפּציעס.

בילד קרעדיץ: שוטטערסטאָקק, פּיקסאַבייַ, Wiki Commons

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/first-product-from-finity-touchs-future-ecosystem-officially-launched/