מיקראָסטראַטעגי צו ריינוועסט $ 500 ם לאַגער פארקויפונג אין ביטקאָין: סעק פילינג

MicroStrategy, the largest institutional Bitcoin (בטק) buyer, entered an agreement with two agents — Cowen and Company and BTIG — to sell its aggregated class A common stock worth $500,000,000, reveals Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing.

MicroStrategy, co-founded by ביטקאָין ביק מיכאל סיילאָר, amassed approximately 129,699 BTC over several years at an aggregate purchase price of $3.977 billion. Despite market uncertainties, the business analytics software firm continues to pursue its goal of acquiring more BTC by selling company stocks. The איינגעבן באשטעטיגט:

"מיר האָבן בדעה צו נוצן די נעץ לייזונג פון דעם פאַרקויף פון קיין קלאַס A פּראָסט לאַגער געפֿינט אונטער דעם פּראָספּעקט פֿאַר אַלגעמיינע פֿירמע צוועקן, אַרייַנגערעכנט די אַקוואַזישאַן פון bitcoin, סיידן אַנדערש אנגעוויזן אין די אָנווענדלעך פּראָספּעקט ביילאגע."

Buying the dip is essential for MicroStrategy as the company’s BTC reserve has dipped to an aggregated value of nearly $2.8 billion — resulting in a loss of over $1 billion, as shown by Bitcoin Treasuries דאַטע.

Snippet from MicroStrategy’s SEC filing. Source: SEC.gov

Coincidently, on the day of the filing, data from קאָינטעלעגראַף מאַרקעץ פּראָ and TradingView showed BTC/USD price shooting up 11% to nearly $21,500.

פֿאַרבונדענע: ביטקאָין קען ווערן אַ נול-ימישאַן נעץ: באריכט

The FBI, along with two other federal agencies, CISA and MS-ISAC, asked U.S. citizens to report information that helps track the whereabouts of the hackers.

The citizens have been asked by the FBI to report on various information that would help them track down ransomware attackers, which include Bitcoin wallet information, ransom notes and IP addresses.

Bad actors prefer fiat currency to conduct illicit activities over Bitcoin because the blockchain’s immutable nature allows authorities to track down crimes easily.