ווי Solana ס כוידעשלעך NFT פארקויפונג כּמעט טאָפּל ביי $ 133 מיליאָן, די גרויס ייז קאָין וועט אויך ריווייטאַלייז די NFT קרייז

Solana’s NFT sales have risen despite the ongoing cryptocurrency bear market. Popular projects such as Y00ts and ABC have helped Solana avoid economic trends and generate its third-highest monthly earnings this year.

Although the NFT market is declining, the interest in NFTs has only grown, and the new and booming Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is committed to revitalising interest in NFTs.

What Is An NFT?

A NFT stands for non-fungible token. It can be anything digital but is typically an image or drawing. NFTs cannot be replicated or divided which makes them a wholly unique digital asset for the owner.

Because NFTs are secured on cryptocurrency blockchains, both seller and buyer can benefit from NFTs not only financially but because they can be used to trade.

Solana Is Currently Winning The NFT Game

The decentralised blockchain, Solana, is one of the cheapest and fastest blockchains available right now. Consequently, this also makes it one of the most eco-friendly ones too.

Artists can mint, sell and trade NFTs on the Solana Blockchain. With an average mint cost of $1.5 per NFT, it is an affordable platform for artists of any status. Indeed, perhaps more than any other NFT platform, Solana is making NFTs more accessible for anyone by facilitating faster and more economical purchases. This is perhaps why Solana’s NFT monthly sales have almost doubled since August.

Big Eyes Coin Will Soon Be Introducing NFTs Sushi Crew

Everything about Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is visual. From their beautifully designed cat mascot to their well-thought-out web design, social media and marketing. Perhaps the best-looking meme token out there, Big Eyes Coin’s (BIG) visual appeal has helped it zoom through its three presale stages, raising almost $4 million in a matter of weeks. It only makes sense for this cute cat to involve itself in the NFT market too.

NFT Sushi Crew is a club for Big Eyes NFT holders to participate in events and a strong community. Although Big Eyes NFTs are not available yet, once stage three of presale is complete, there will be an official NFT release. The first Big Eyes NFT exclusive event is also promised to take place in real life. Fortunately for NFT lovers, BIG Eyes (BIG) is extremely close to reaching stage four of presales when the first NFTs will be released.

Everything We Know About NFT Sushi Crew So Far

Big Eyes has grand plans for its NFT collection. With a mission to hit the top 10 of NFT collections, this small kitten wants nothing more than to spread joy to its community and support artists. Any profit from NFT events will be voted by the Big Eyes community to be burnt or saved.

The reason Big Eyes Coin (BIG) will need to come side by side with NFTs is so the currency can self-propagate and increase its value, while still maintaining artistic integrity.

According to the whitepaper, the first NFT project (which will be released soon) will have Big Eyes taking to the sea. In Big Eyes’ narrative, the adorable feline hitches a lift on a yacht and voyages across the world. This trip teaches him the importance of nature until he meets a storm and is tossed overboard. Believing he will soon drown, Big Eyes is surprised to have discovered he has been picked up by a humpback whale.

The NFT collection will create awareness about the state of the world’s oceans and bring in new cat characters. This can be seen in the 10% NFT tax. Big Eye divides this tax by allocating 4% to the artist, 5% to holders, and 1% to oceanic charities. 

Why NFT Sushi Crew Could Take Off

Currently, the hype surrounding Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is only growing. As each presale stage ends, the price of the token increases by 25%. Despite this, demand is still increasing. With a strong social media presence supported by a 5% marketing wallet and $3.87 million of presales already raised, Big Eyes is bound for success.


אָפּלייקענונג: קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע געשריבן אין דעם פּרעס מעלדונג אָדער באצאלטע פּאָסטן איז נישט אַ ינוועסמאַנט עצה. Thecoinrepublic.com טוט נישט און וועט נישט שטיצן קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע אויף קיין פירמע אָדער יחיד אויף דעם בלאַט. לייענער זענען ינקעראַדזשד צו מאַכן זייער אייגענע פאָרשונג און מאַכן קיין אַקשאַנז באזירט אויף זייער אייגענע פיינדינגז און נישט פֿון קיין אינהאַלט געשריבן אין דעם פּרעס מעלדונג אָדער באצאלטע פּאָסטן. Thecoinrepublic.com איז און וועט ניט זיין פאַראַנטוואָרטלעך פֿאַר קיין שעדיקן אָדער אָנווער געפֿירט גלייַך אָדער מינאַצאַד דורך די נוצן פון קיין אינהאַלט, פּראָדוקט אָדער דינסט דערמאנט אין דעם פּרעס מעלדונג אָדער באצאלטע פּאָסטן.

לעצטע הודעות דורך גאַסט מחבר (זען אַלע)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/06/as-solanas-monthly-nft-sales-almost-double-at-133-million-big-eyes-coin-will-also-revitalise-the-nft-craze/