קאָינבאַסע מוסיף קריפּטאָ פּאָליטיק ינטעגראַטיאָן

  • Coinbase hopes to help fund pro-crypto candidates in cryptocurrencies
  • Coinbase users can now register to vote through the app

In a first for a cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase moved on Wednesday to showcase relevant political updates to users via its app. 

Coinbase executives positioned the maneuver as a means to elevate the voices — and potential digital asset legislation and regulatory rulemaking — of influential politicians who have been friendly to digital assets. 

Via a news feed-like structure, users can now scroll to see how different legislators are thinking about digital assets. Eventually, the exchange hopes to help pro-crypto candidates accept crypto donations, CEO Brian Armstrong tweeted

The sentiment scores are compiled “based on publicly available statements,” Armstrong wrote.

Users can also register to vote and find information about local town hall events through the app. In the future, Armstrong said the company plans to incorporate relevant political matters globally, as well as parse voting data on candidates running for office and current elected officials.

The data that is currently public is in part supplied by an organization Coinbase supported, Armstrong said, the CryptoActionNetwork. 

The features come as interest in policy heats up in crypto. Leaders in the space have been building their policy and compliance teams in an effort to prepare for impending regulation. 

Coinbase recently moved to fund a US federal פּראָצעס against the Office of Foreign Asset Control surrounding sanctions suddenly slapped on קריפּטאָ מיקסינג דינסט Tornado Cash. The exchange is also in the midst of fighting its own רעגולאַטאָרי באַטאַלז as concerns about token classification continue to mount. 

“Crypto advocacy is very important for our mission of increasing economic freedom in the world, and Coinbase will do its part to help,” Armstrong said. “But the crypto community is much bigger than Coinbase – hopefully we can all rally to engage elected leaders and drive sensible policies.”

באַקומען די שפּיץ קריפּטאָ נייַעס און ינסייץ פון דעם טאָג איבערגעגעבן צו דיין ינבאָקס יעדער אָוונט. אַבאָנירן צו די פריי נוזלעטער פון Blockworks איצט.

  • קייסי וואַגנער


    עלטער רעפּאָרטער

    Casey Wagner איז אַ ניו יארק-באזירט געשעפט זשורנאַליסט וואָס קאָווערס רעגולירן, געסעצ - געבונג, דיגיטאַל אַסעט ינוועסמאַנט פירמס, מאַרק סטרוקטור, הויפט באַנקס און גאַווערמאַנץ, און CBDCs. איידער זי האָט זיך איינגעשריבן בלאָקוואָרקס, זי האָט געמאלדן אויף מארקפלעצער ביי בלומבערג נייַעס. זי גראַדזשאַווייטיד פון דעם אוניווערסיטעט פון ווירזשיניע מיט אַ גראַד אין מעדיע סטודיעס.

    קאָנטאַקט Casey דורך E- בריוו ביי [אימעיל באשיצט]

Source: https://blockworks.co/coinbase-adds-crypto-policy-integration/