קריפּטאָ האט אַ וואַלאַטילאַטי פּראָבלעם, Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) קען לעסאָף סאָלווע עס

In March, 2022, bitcoin recorded its biggest single-day loss in a year as it lost over 22% of its value. For a novice crypto investor, that drop could mean a wipeout of their life savings. However, seasoned crypto investors know this is business as usual in the crypto world. Bull runs clocking in 2,000% gains and price corrections knocking out 99% of the cryptocurrency’s value in days or weeks are perfectly ordinary phenomena. It’s no secret that all cryptocurrencies are plagued by extreme volatility, making it exponentially difficult for investors to profit from them.

 >>קויפן טאָקענס<

Crypto’s Volatility Problem

Imagine this. You’ve cobbled together a sizeable savings fund over the past couple of years and put it all in bitcoin, or any altcoin for that matter. You’ve been witnessing steady profits too. However, one day you wake up to realize that your funds have been wiped out by 25% in an overnight crash because China banned crypto.

Unlike the case with The Wall Street, crypto trading does not happen over fixed working hours. It’s a 24×7 affair. So, even though you’ve been tracking your crypto funds during your waking hours, the price keeps fluctuating when you are asleep too!

Price gaps have pulverized any stop losses you had set for yourself, and you’re suddenly deeply in the “red.”

That’s what high volatility does to a market.

Is Crypto Volatility Really a Problem?

The best traders in every market – financial or crypto – rely on volatility to make profits. If cryptos can fall 10% overnight, they can also appreciate by that much in a matter of a few hours. Day traders bet on such movements to make quick profits.

However, crypto’s high volatility presents a few unique challenges to traders. Firstly, the extreme fluctuations warrant that the traders track and monitor their crypto currencies all the time, so they can enter and exit at the right time. Even minor price changes in the wrong direction can leave them emotionally exhausted. Doing this daily can be devastating to your mental health.

Secondly, long-term investors wouldn’t want to waste their time monitoring their crypto investments 24×7. They need a more stable alternative, made impossible by the volatility inherent to cryptos. That’s why crypto volatility discourages long-term investors, including institutional investors.

דאס איז ווו Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) קומט אריין אין בילד.

Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) Brings Predictability Into Your Crypto Profits

Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) solves the crypto volatility problem in several crucial ways. Firstly, it uses machine learning to make buy/sell decisions in real-time 24×7. So, you don’t have to bother monitoring your crypto funds all the time anymore. Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) does it even when you are asleep.

Secondly, the Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) eliminates your reliance on volatility to make profits. With Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW), you make profits with ינאַווייטיוו פֿעיִקייטן like Swapping, Yielding, and Staking, which virtually guarantee your profits no matter the direction in which the market is headed. In other words, volatility is of little consequence to Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) users!

פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן Snowfallprotocol.io (SNW) פאַר-פאַרקויף

וועבסייט: https://snowfallprotocol.io

Telegram: https://t.me/snowfallcoin

פּרעזאַלע: https://presale.snowfallprotocol.io

טוויטטער: https://twitter.com/snowfall coin


קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע געשריבן אין דעם פּרעס מעלדונג אָדער באצאלטע פּאָסטן איז נישט אַ ינוועסמאַנט עצה. Thecoinrepublic.com טוט נישט און וועט נישט שטיצן קיין אינפֿאָרמאַציע אויף קיין פירמע אָדער יחיד אויף דעם בלאַט. לייענער זענען ינקעראַדזשד צו מאַכן זייער אייגענע פאָרשונג און מאַכן קיין אַקשאַנז באזירט אויף זייער אייגענע פיינדינגז און נישט פֿון קיין אינהאַלט געשריבן אין דעם פּרעס מעלדונג אָדער באצאלטע פּאָסטן. Thecoinrepublic.com איז און וועט ניט זיין פאַראַנטוואָרטלעך פֿאַר קיין שעדיקן אָדער אָנווער געפֿירט גלייַך אָדער מינאַצאַד דורך די נוצן פון קיין אינהאַלט, פּראָדוקט אָדער דינסט דערמאנט אין דעם פּרעס מעלדונג אָדער באצאלטע פּאָסטן.

לעצטע הודעות דורך גאַסט מחבר (זען אַלע)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/02/crypto-has-a-volatility-problem-snowfallprotocol-io-snw-could-finally-solve-it/