Ethereum גרינדער Vitalik Buterin ספּעקיאַלייץ די צונויפגיסן וועט פּאַסירן אויף 15 סעפטעמבער

וויטאַליק בוטערין, עטהערעום ס קאָ-גרינדער, האט hinted that the much-anticipated merge might occur around September 15.


The transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism called the merge is speculated to be the biggest software upgrade in the Ethereum ecosystem. Nevertheless, it has been quite elusive since it was launched in December 2020. 


Despite these revelations by Buterin, ETH developers are anticipated to come up with a conclusive date next week, given that the final test called Goerli was finalized earlier this week.


A recent developers’ call had סאַגדזשעסטיד סעפטעמבער קסנומקס as the most probable date for the merge.


אַמאָל די צונויפגיסן ראָללס אויס, די פּאָס אַלגערידאַם וועט געבן די באַשטעטיקונג פון בלאַקס אין אַ מער פּרייַז-עפעקטיוו און ינווייראַנמענאַלי פרייַנדלעך וועג ווייַל וואַלאַדייטערז וועט פלעקל יטער אַנשטאָט פון סאַלווינג אַ קריפּטאָגראַפיק רעטעניש. 


Meanwhile, American multinational investment bank Citigroup or Citi recently דיסקלאָוזד that transitioning to a PoS consensus mechanism would make Ethereum a deflationary asset.


As a result, the second-largest cryptocurrency would become a “yield-bearing asset.”


Citi also pointed out that the merge would slash the overall Ether issuance by 4.2% annually, making it deflationary. Therefore, shifting to a PoS consensus mechanism would enhance Ethereum’s quest to become a store of value. 


Therefore, as a “yield-bearing asset,” Citi added that ETH would experience more cash flows. As a result, prompting more valuation methods that were not available before. 


On the other hand, Buterin recently acknowledged that MakerDAO’s consideration to depeg its native token DAI from stablecoin USD Coin (USDC) was a risky and terrible idea, בלאָקקטשאַין. נייַעס געמאלדן. 


This decision might have been reached based on tornado sanctions because MakerDAO intends to replace USDC as collateral with Ethereum.

בילד מקור: Shutterstock
