Ethereum צונויפגיסן די פּראָפיל פון Stakefish, אָבער 25% פון זיין עמפּלוייז זענען ניטאָ סייַ ווי סייַ

Ethereum’s switch from a proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake system handed the reins of the second-largest blockchain from miners to validators that “stake” ether (ETH), Ethereum’s native currency, by sending it to an address on the chain where it cannot be bought or sold. Stakefish, which sets up interest-earning validators on behalf of its customers, controlled אַרום קסנומקס% of all staked ETH at press time. It is also a major validator in other ecosystems, including Cosmos, Polkadot, Polygon and Solana.
