רובֿ ETHPoW מיינערז וועט קאַפּיטולירן באַלד, זאגט עטהערעום מיינער

Chandler Guo, a miner spearheading עטהערעום’s PoW fork, says most Ethereum miners will face bankruptcy soon.

With the much-hyped Ethereum Merge now a thing of the past, Ethereum דערווייַז פון אַרבעט miners face an uncertain future. Once road builders on crypto’s busiest commercial highway, miners now find themselves forced into mining on the Ethereum PoW fork. Lead miner Chandler Guo believes most won’t survive.

Only miners with free or very cheap electricity are likely to survive, Guo האט אין אַן אינטערוויו.

Some people [miners] have free electricity and can [continue] to work on that,” Guo said. “The other 90%, bankrupt.”

לויט Tom's Hardware, unless miners flocking to proof-of-work coins use the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 and the Radeon RX 6800 and 6800 XT with an electricity cost of $0.10 per kilowatt-hour, they won’t be profitable. This configuration will yield about $0.06 daily after electricity costs.

נייעס פון א rebel proof-of-work developer contingent סערפיסט in early Aug. 2022, when Guo tweeted that an Ethereum Proof-of-Work fork was in the works. A proof-of-work fork would help those that secured the previous Ethereum network to continue working after Ethereum completed its transition to a דערווייַז-פון-פלעקל validation model instead of allowing up to $ 5 ביליאָן ווערט of Ethereum proof-of-work equipment to go to waste.

ETHPoW struggling

The new network still has teething problems, with some users experiencing issues connecting a קריפּטאָ בייַטל to the network. “Some people can connect, some people cannot connect. It depends on your speed of the network,” Guo advised.                  

But even with די צונויפגיסן complete and the new fork active, Guo rates it as a 5 out of 10, with hopes that the fork’s pedigree will improve as more miners join the community. Several mining pools האט זיי וואלטן זיך איינגעשריבן ETHW, the new blockchain, including F2pool, Poolin, btc.com, Antpool, and e4pool.

The new proof-of-work token is down almost 94% from its all-time high of $141.36, according to קאָונמאַרקעטקאַפּ, trading at $8.79 at the time of writing.

Hashrate pressure on ETC

Immediately after the Merge, miners flocked to coins still using the proof-of-work method, causing a spike in the hashrate and associated difficulty on the coins’ networks. The difficulty of successfully creating new blocks of transactions and broadcasting them to the network increases as the online computing power, dubbed “hashrate,” increases. This increased difficulty also means a lower likelihood of creating new digital assets on these networks, reducing the revenue miners can earn. Rewards for עטהערום קלאַסיק, a blockchain that remained after the Ethereum community parted ways in 2016, dwindled as miners flocked there after the Merge.

“As suspected, too many ETH miners switched over to ETC,” tweeted Ethan Vera of Luxor Technologies, a Seattle-based mining services organization.

Luxor Technologies has been a vocal קריטיקער of the Merge.

פֿאַר זיין [אין] קריפּטאָ ס לעצט ביטקאָין (BTC) אַנאַליסיס, דריק דא.


אַלע די אינפֿאָרמאַציע קאַנטיינד אויף אונדזער וועבזייטל איז ארויס אין גוטן אמונה און בלויז פֿאַר אַלגעמיינע אינפֿאָרמאַציע צוועקן. קיין אַקציע וואָס די לייענער נעמט אויף די אינפֿאָרמאַציע געפֿונען אויף אונדזער וועבזייטל איז שטרענג אויף זייער אייגן ריזיקירן.

Source: https://beincrypto.com/most-ethpow-miners-will-capitulate-soon-says-ethereum-miner/