נאוועמבער 2022 - עטהערעום נומער פון נייַ סמאַרט קאַנטראַקץ געפאלן דורך 58%

האָדלקס גאַסט פּאָסטן  פאָרלייגן דיין פּאָסטן


שליסל דאַטן

  • Average Ethereum (עטה) gas price increased by 1.8% in November.
  • The number of ERC-20 tokens created in the Ethereum network in November decreased by 58%.
  • Average number of Ethereum transactions per day has been declining for more than six months now.
  • In November, the average number of Ethereum blocks per day has changed by just 0.01%.
  • The number of blocks per day and the block size remain almost unchanged.
  • In November, the average number of unique active crypto wallets per day decreased by 7.3% but the average number of unique active smart contracts increased by four percent.

עטהערעום גאַז פּרייסיז סטאַטיסטיק

  • Average Ethereum gas price increased by 1.8% in November.

In October, the average Ethereum gas price was 22.5 gwei. In November, it was 22.9 gwei. The gas price increased by 1.8%.

Ethereum average gas price per month

The minimum value of the gas price in November was recorded on the 27th and was 13.4 gwei. The maximum value was recorded on the ninth and was 61.07 gwei.

Ethereum average gas price per day in November 2022

עטהערעום נייַ סמאַרט קאַנטראַקץ סטאַטיסטיק

  • The number of ERC-20 tokens created in the Ethereum network in November decreased by 58%.

The number of ERC-20 tokens created on the Ethereum network in October was 14,295. In November, this figure was 9,050. It has decreased by 58%. A similar decrease is observed in all chains.

Ethereum טראַנסאַקטיאָן סטאַטיסטיק

  • Average number of Ethereum transactions per day has been declining for more than six months now.

The number of Ethereum transactions in October was 34,122,532, with an average daily volume of 1,100,726 transactions. The total number of Ethereum transactions in November was 31,264,848, with an average daily volume of 1,042,161 transactions. This value decreased by 5.6%, continuing to decline for six months in a row.

Ethereum average number of transactions per day

The highest average number of transactions in November was recorded on the ninth, with a peak of 1,219,648 transactions, which is less than in October 2022.

Ethereum transactions peak - 2022 נאוועמבער

עטהערעום בלאָק סטאַטיסטיק

  • In November, the average number of Ethereum blocks per day changed by just 0.01%.
  • The number of blocks per day and the block size remain almost unchanged.

The ‘Ethereum average number of blocks per day’ chart shows interesting statistics in November. The average number of Ethereum blocks in October was 7,157, and the average number of Ethereum blocks per day in November was 7,158. The difference is only one block or 0.01%.

Ethereum average number of blocks per day in November 2022

The ‘number of blocks per day’ chart looks really stable after ‘The Merge.’

Ethereum blocks per day in November 2022

The average block size was 0.51 Gb in November. In October, this value was 0.5 Gb. The average size of blocks mined per day has increased by 1.96%.

Ethereum average daily block size

The ‘Ethereum total block size per month, Gb’ chart shows that the total block size in November was 15.28 Gb. In October, it was 15.4 Gb. The value has decreased by 0.78%.

Ethereum total block size per month

עטהערעום אַקטיוו ווענדט סטאַטיסטיק

  • In November, the average number of unique active crypto wallets per day decreased by 7.3%, but the average number of unique active smart contracts increased by four percent.

In November, the average number of unique active crypto wallets per day in the Ethereum blockchain was 401,577. In October, this figure was 430,783, so it is a decrease of 7.3%. Similar dynamics were observed last month.

Ethereum average number of daily active wallets

In turn, the number of active smart contracts has slightly increased. This value in November was 25,100. It was 24,123 in October. It is an increase of four percent.

Ethereum average number of daily active smart contracts

דאַטאַ-געטריבן קאַנקלוזשאַנז

The record low changes in the number of mined blocks per day in the Ethereum network as well as completely insignificant changes in block sizes indicate that the Ethereum chain has fully felt the effects of The Merge and has fully adapted.

In November, the data shows a further decline in all network activity at all levels. Most of all, the decrease is noticeable in the number of new ERC-20 tokens created in all networks. This figure has fallen significantly.

Winter begins in the world, the planet is preparing for the holidays, but crypto winter is still going on.

Max Nekoz איז דער דאַטן אַנאַליסט און עלטער כידעש פאַרוואַלטער פון די פאַקטיש-צייט דעפי Explorer AnalytEx דורך האַשעקס. מאַקס איז אַ קריפּטאָ ענטוזיאַסט און האט שוין אַנאַלייזינג בלאַקשאַינס פֿאַר איבער פינף יאָר. פֿאַר מער ווי צוויי יאָר, ער איז ארבעטן אין HashEx Blockchain Security און איז אַקטיוולי דעוועלאָפּינג די פּראָדוקטן פון די פירמע.


קאָנטראָליר די לעצטע כעדליינז אויף האָדלקס

גיי אונדז אויף טוויטטער facebook טעלעגראַם

טשעק אויס די לעצטע ינדוסטרי אַנאַונסיז

אָפּלייקענונג: מיינונגען אויסגעדריקט אין די דיילי האָדל זענען נישט ינוועסמאַנט עצה. ינוועסטערז זאָל מאַכן זייער געהעריק פלייַס איידער זיי מאַכן קיין הויך-ריזיקירן ינוועסטמאַנץ אין ביטקאָין, קריפּטאָקוררענסי אָדער דיגיטאַל אַסעץ. ביטע זיין אַדווייזד אַז דיין טראַנספערס און טריידז זענען אויף דיין אייגענע ריזיקירן, און די אָנווער וואָס איר קען פאַרפאַלן איז דיין פֿאַראַנטוואָרטלעכקייט. די דיילי האָדל רעקאַמענדז נישט די קויפן אָדער סעלינג פון קריפּטאָקוררענסי אָדער דיגיטאַל אַסעץ, און די דיילי האָדל איז ניט אַן ינוועסמאַנט אַדווייזער. ביטע טאָן אַז די דיילי האָדל פּאַרטיסאַפּייץ אין צוגעבן פֿאַרקויף.

פיטשערד בילד: Shutterstock/k_yu/monkographic

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/05/november-2022-ethereum-number-of-new-smart-contracts-fell-by-58/