לעדזשער סעאָ מיץ Jamie Dimon - Trustnodes

Pascal Gauthier, the CEO of the hardware crypto wallet Ledger, met Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan’s CEO.

Once a fierce critic of bitcoin, Dimon has softened more recently, calling defi “real” in his April letter to shareholders, stating:

“Decentralized finance and blockchain are real, new technologies that can be deployed in both public and private fashion, permissioned or not. JPMorgan Chase is at the forefront of this innovation.

We use a blockchain network called Liink to enable banks to share complex information, and we also use a blockchain to move tokenized U.S. dollar deposits with JPM Coin.

מיר גלויבן עס זענען פילע ניצט ווו אַ בלאָקטשיין קענען פאַרבייַטן אָדער פֿאַרבעסערן קאַנטראַקץ, דאַטן אָונערשיפּ און אנדערע ענכאַנסמאַנץ; פֿאַר עטלעכע צוועקן, אָבער, עס איז דערווייַל צו טייַער אָדער צו פּאַמעלעך צו זיין דיפּלויד.

Now perhaps he is trying to court some crypto businesses with Ledger valued at $1.5 billion.

It is not known why the two met however, nor is it clear whether a partnership or an acquisition is on the cards.


Source: https://www.trustnodes.com/2022/05/06/ledger-ceo-meets-jamie-dimon