Top 5 פאָלקס NFT טאָקענס צו ינוועסטירן אין דעצעמבער 2022

NFT tokens to invest in December 2022: די ניט-פונגיבלע סימען (NFT) market has had a difficult year as a result of a decline in sales brought on by the bear market in cryptocurrencies. Despite this, some collections, such as the Reddit World Cup collectibles, continued to see significant gains. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have gained a lot of traction, and this segment of the cryptocurrency market has grown significantly over the past 12 months. Even though there are many, you only want to worry about the top NFT tokens.



The top 5 NFT tokens to buy in December 2022 for long-term high returns


One of the best NFT tokens, The Sandbox, has experienced impressive adoption. It resides on the Ethereum protocol as well. By allowing users to create 3D objects in the metaverse, such as people, animals, and tools, The Sandbox seeks to revolutionise the gaming industry. Then, these undivided assets can be shared and profited from on various platforms.


A metaverse is created by the Decentraland protocol, which is based on Ethereum and combines virtual and augmented reality with the internet. Users can make, share, and monetize content and applications on this website. With a 3,300% increase in users over the previous year, Decentraland has emerged as the hub of the Metaverse ecosystem.




The Breitmanns introduced the Layer-1 blockchain protocol Tezos. The blockchain project offers a platform that is more scalable for creating dApps. The secret to Tezos’ superpower is its future-proof architecture, which enables scalability without a hard fork. For users in the DeFi, NFT, and מעטאַווערס ecosystems, the Tezos blockchain is renowned for offering high-performance and inexpensive transactions.

טהעטאַ נעץ

The Theta network functions similarly to other blockchain initiatives. The protocol seeks to transform the video streaming and content delivery industries. The Theta Network lets users distribute their bandwidth using peer-to-peer (P2P) systems.

Axie ומענדיקייַט

One of the best NFT tokens, Axie Infinity, has made a name for itself as the future of blockchain gaming. Axie Infinity is a Pokemon-inspired game that was released in 2018 by Sky Mavis Tech Company. It enables players to gather, breed, and engage in 3v3 combat.

אויך לייענען: NFT צו זיין אויפגעהויבן פון האַכנאָסע שטייַער אקט אין ינדיאַ? לייענען דאָ 



CoinGape קאַמפּרייזיז אַ יקספּיריאַנסט מאַנשאַפֿט פון געבוירן אינהאַלט שרייבערס און רעדאקציע ארבעטן אַרום די זייגער צו דעקן נייַעס גלאָובאַלי און פאָרשטעלן נייַעס ווי אַ פאַקט אלא ווי אַ מיינונג. CoinGape שרייבערס און רעפּאָרטערס קאַנטריביוטיד צו דעם אַרטיקל.

די דערלאנגט אינהאַלט קען אַרייַננעמען די פערזענלעכע מיינונג פון די מחבר און איז אונטערטעניק צו די מאַרק צושטאַנד. טאָן דיין מאַרק פאָרשונג איידער ינוועסטינג אין קריפּטאָקוררענסי. דער מחבר אָדער די ויסגאַבע איז ניט פאַראַנטוואָרטלעך פֿאַר דיין פערזענלעכע פינאַנציעל אָנווער.
