סעאָ אַרמסטראָנג טענהט אַז "סטאַקינג" איז נישט אַ זיכערהייט

קאָינסבאַסע נייַעס: In the midst of a widespread regulatory crypto crackdown, Brian Armstrong, co-founder and chief executive officer of קאָינבאַסע גלאבאלע ינק., stated that the “staking” service offered by many in the crypto space should not be considered a security. In a recent telecasted interview, Armstrong also cited reasons for its recent removal of rival Binance’s BUSD stablecoin and their present relationship with the יו. עס. סעקוריטיעס און עקסטשאַנגע קאַמישאַן (סעק).

Brian Positive On Crypto Staking

Armstrong has had previous disagreements with the Chairman of the SEC, Gary Gensler, and the company has recently stated that it may not remove a particular crypto asset even if the SEC asserts it to be security — until a final legal ruling on the matter. As per Coinbase’s CEO, the קריפּטאָ וועקסל has been served with investigative subpoenas from the financial watchdog involving סטייקינג, stablecoins, and their yield-bearing services.

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איבער די אינטערוויו, the 40-year-old crypto mogul seemed hell-bent on the fact that Coinbase’s staking services could not be deemed a security as they provide a service that “passes through those coins to help them participate in staking, which is a decentralized protocol.”

While talking about the recent crackdown on Kraken’s staking by the SEC, Armstrong was quoted as saying:

We are prepared to defend that in court if we need to. But we are never looking for a fight. We want to work collaboratively with regulators all over the world.

Armstrong stressed on the fact that the exchange maintains a cordial relationship with the SEC despite certain disagreements and differing opinions.

Coinbase CEO Opens Up On BUSD

ווען געפרעגט וועגן די יו delisting of Binance’s stablecoin from the exchange, Brian stated that the decision came on the heels of liquidity concerns related to the cryptocurrency. According to their internal review, the fact that Paxos — the issuer of BUSD — was ordered to cease minting of the stablecoin, raised questions about its future and declining liquidity in the crypto market. It’s also speculated that the SEC intended to file a lawsuit against Paxos for marketing BUSD as an unregistered security.

However, Armstrong has a positive outlook on the wider stablecoin industry, in spite of what occurred with the בינאַנסע וועקסל. The CEO added that he is “quite bullish” on וסד קאָין (USDC), which is also a dollar-pegged stablecoin, issued by Circle along with Coinbase as its founding member. At the time of writing, די פּרייַז פון USDC פארבליבן פּעגד צו זיין איין-דאָלאַר ווערט ביי אַ $ 42 ביליאָן מאַרק היטל.

Even with the recent developments, the exchange’s trading volumes dropped sharply as mentioned in Coinbase ס Q4 פאַרדינסט report, which resulted in a $557 million loss for the company and a 75% decrease in revenue. This decline occurred in the midst of a number of famous industry bankruptcies and following scandals.

אויך לייענען: העדעראַ אָנבאָאַרדס Top קאָינבאַסע באַאַמטער צו פאָר גראָוט; HBAR פּרייז גרייט פֿאַר בולל לויפן?

פּראַטיק איז געווען אַ קריפּטאָ עוואַנגעליסט זינט 2016 און דורכגעגאנגען כּמעט אַלע וואָס קריפּטאָ האט צו פאָרשלאָגן. זייט די יקאָ בום, בער מארקפלעצער פון 2018, ביטקאָין כאַווינג ביז איצט - ער האט געזען עס אַלע.

די דערלאנגט אינהאַלט קען אַרייַננעמען די פערזענלעכע מיינונג פון די מחבר און איז אונטערטעניק צו די מאַרק צושטאַנד. טאָן דיין מאַרק פאָרשונג איידער ינוועסטינג אין קריפּטאָקוררענסי. דער מחבר אָדער די ויסגאַבע איז ניט פאַראַנטוואָרטלעך פֿאַר דיין פערזענלעכע פינאַנציעל אָנווער.

Source: https://coingape.com/coinbase-news-brian-armstrong-sec-staking-security/