SBF ברייקס קריפּטיק שטילקייַט, פּריפּערז צו 'רעדן וועגן ווו מיר זענען הייַנט'

Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has finally broken his silence to start a conversation regarding ‘where we are today.’ Following a series of קריפּטיק טוועעץ spelled out ‘What happened,’ SBF has now sent a tweet stating that he will “get to what happened, But for now, let’s talk about where we are today.”

As of press time, no more information has been released. This article will be updated as more information comes to light. However, to follow the saga directly, click on the tweet above to view SBF’s main Twitter account under the handle @SBF_FTX.

The account still contains a biography section that includes “CEO of @FTX_Official Not investment advice. FTX and FTT are not available in the United States or prohibited jurisdictions FTX.US works in US!”

SBF איז געווען אַוועקגענומען as CEO of FTX by the board on Nov. 11 and ריפּלייסט by John Ray III when the company filed for bankruptcy.

פאַרבינדן דיין בייַטל, האַנדל מיט Orion Swap ווידזשיט.

גלייך פֿון דעם ווידזשיט: די שפּיץ CEXs + DEXs אַגראַגייטאַד דורך Orion. קיין חשבון, גלאבאלע אַקסעס.
