TRON קרייזן העכער $ 0.075 נידעריק און פּריפּערז פֿאַר אַ נייַ העכערונג

01 יוני 2023 בייַ 06:39 // פּרייַז

Already TRON is trading in an oversold area of the market

The price of TRON (TRX) is currently falling below the moving average lines after experiencing bullish fatigue.

TRON פּרייַז לאַנג-טערמין פאָרויסזאָגן: בוליש

On May 22, TRON reached a high of $0.079 but was rejected. The cryptocurrency asset hit an overbought sector of the market. At the time of publication, TRX is currently worth $0.075. A new bounce could start on the upside if the current support at $0.075 holds. Bears have been trying to break the current support since May 26. The cryptocurrency is expected to reach a high of $0.088 if the current resistance is broken. However, the uptrend will be broken if the price falls below the moving average line. The cryptocurrency would then fall to its previous low of $0.066.

TRON ינדיקאַטאָר אַרויסווייַזן

TRON is at level 59 of the Relative Strength Index for the period 14. Despite the recent decline, the altcoin is still in an uptrend. There are signs that the trend will continue to rise. TRON will rise as long as the price bars are above the moving average lines. Already TRON is trading in an oversold area of the market. This indicates that the market will rise. The daily stochastic for the altcoin is trading below the 20 level.

TRXUSD(Daily Chart) – May 31 (1).23.jpg

שליסל צושטעלן זאָנעס: $0.07, $0.08, $0.09

שליסל פאָדערונג זאָנעס: $0.06, $0.05, $0.04

וואָס איז דער ווייַטער ריכטונג פֿאַר TRON?

With TRON currently trading above the moving average lines, the uptrend has resumed. After reaching a high of $0.079 on the chart, the market has entered the overbought zone and the uptrend has been rejected. Price stability above the support of $0.075 indicates the beginning of another upward trend.

TRXUSD_(4 –Hour Chart) - May 31 (1).23.jpg

אָפּלייקענונג. די אַנאַליסיס און פאָרויסזאָגן זענען די פערזענלעכע מיינונגען פון דעם מחבר און זענען נישט אַ רעקאָמענדאַציע צו קויפן אָדער פאַרקויפן קריפּטאָקוררענסי און זאָל ניט זיין וויוד ווי אַן ענדאָרסמאַנט דורך קאָין ידאָל. לייענער זאָל טאָן זייער אייגענע פאָרשונג איידער ינוועסטירן אין געלט.
